The game's gameplay is partially free-roaming, allowing the player to travel around the islands once they have been "unlocked" by completing certain objectives there are also many tasks which are optional or non-linear. It combines several action game/arcade sequences and some elements from the role-playing game genre. Like its predecessor, LBA 2 is real-time adventure. Essentially every character in the game is interactive and will respond differently when Twinsen speaks to them. The LBA world is considered extremely large and varied for games of its time. All text in the game is spoken by the characters.

After completion of certain tasks the player is presented with a full motion video sequence. Unlike LBA, it is possible to save the game at any point. The interior game field is divided in scenes (a small block of the game that is active). All characters and vehicles are 3D polygon-based objects, allowing for full rotation and movement abilities. There are thousands possible words from various aspects, so experiment by typing very short what you are looking for.LBA 2 has two viewing modes - for outdoor scenes a 3D perspective view is used, and for indoor scenes it uses a 3D isometric perspective (the game field is rotated 45 degrees). Keywords can be related to anything, allowing advanced filtration and specific results. Quotation marks can be used for whole phrase (example: "action rpg") or exact word (example: "4x"), and combined with exclusion if needed (example: -"action rpg"). Minus sign can be used for exclusion (example: -anime). * KEYWORDS - Defines maximum of five keywords separated by space. * TO YEAR - Defines the latest year of release represented by four digits. * FROM YEAR - Defines the oldest year of release represented by four digits. * ORDER - Defines how the generated list should be sorted. * THEMES - Defines the topic related to the game. * MECHANICS - Defines elements of gameplay. * GRAPHICS - Defines how gameplay is displayed. * SIGN - Defines if criteria should be included (+) or excluded (-). * COMBINED GENRE - Defines the second genre of the combination. * GENRE - Defines the main type of gameplay. * PLATFORM - Defines the whole family or a single model. Note that due to the fact that there are thousands of titles in the database, some small part of them may not contain some data and latest releases may not be included shortly after the premiere. Generates a list of all games that match the criteria settings.